RIDERWALKER® is the registered European brand of bicycle components created by riders for riders.

We are committed to understanding and solving the real needs of demanding mountain bikers like you.

We specialize in the design and manufacture of components and accessories that solve or improve the ergonomics, functionality, and safety of bicycles or other existing components.

We use RIDERWALKER® products ourselves daily on our own bikes, and other products you see here are custom-made for our clients on demand.

We don't charge too much for the time to design and manufacture a new custom product; in return, if we think it's an interesting product and you're not against it, we'll put it on sale for anyone who needs it.

This way, you get a reduced price for making a product that doesn't exist a reality, and we can offer it to anyone who needs it. Everyone's happy!.


There is a lot of effort, work, and dedication behind each of the components and accessories we create. Besides countless hours of design and manufacturing, our products undergo various performance, durability, ergonomics, and compatibility tests before they hit the market.

We have collaborators in different parts of the world who test the products in the highest-level competitions and the most extreme conditions.


We pour our character, enthusiasm, knowledge, and identity into each of our components. To protect our clients from possible imitations and to ensure they continue to enjoy our exclusive products, each and every RIDERWALKER® product and its brands are patented and registered through the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM).


Riderwalker" is the nickname by which the founder of RIDERWALKER® Bike Components (Carlos Sánchez) has been known throughout his life. It is a mix between the word "Rider" and a borrowed piece from the surname "Skywalker" of the "Star Wars" movie saga

Under the name "Riderwalker" is a group of friends and followers who are passionate about mountain biking and share the same character and philosophy. Together, they appear and participate in the content of the Riderwalker YouTube channel and its social networks.