Visiting this website does not imply that the interested person is obligated to provide their personal data.

In case the interested person provides personal data ("Data"), the data will be processed fairly and lawfully, always respecting the principles and rights established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data ("GDPR") and other applicable national regulations.

Data Controller

Carlos Sánchez Rubio (hereinafter, "RIDERWALKER").

Address: Ametller 22A, 03110, Mutxamel, Alicante, Spain.


What do we do with your data?

“New Customer”

The main purpose of the processing is the management of registered users on our website. Legitimation: Art. 6.1.a) GDPR: express consent. The data will be kept until the user deletes their personal account.

“Place or process an order”

The data will be processed for the purpose of managing your purchase: shipping, collection, after-sales procedures. The legal basis for the processing is the execution of the contractual relationship of sale in accordance with Art. 6.1.b) GDPR. The data may be communicated to the technical departments of the manufacturers when it is necessary to process the warranty of a product. This communication is legitimized by Art. 6.1.c) GDPR, the processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligation of warranty stipulated by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, approving the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws. The data will be kept until the user deletes their personal account. Subsequently, they will be kept blocked until the date of prescription of legal actions (for example, legal warranty of the product or conservation of invoices). After this period, the data will be irreversibly deleted.

To process the delivery of your order, the delivery person may request identification data in order to verify your identity and prevent fraudulent deliveries (such as ID number, name, or surname). We inform you that your data will only be processed for this purpose. Under no circumstances will the delivery person be authorized to capture an image of your identification document, take photographs, or videos by any means.

In case the collection is carried out by a person other than the one who placed the order, it is informed that the processing of the data is strictly necessary for fraud prevention in accordance with Consideration 47 GDPR, the basis legitimizing the processing is legitimate interest. The data will not be communicated to third parties, nor will they be subject to international transfer. The data will be kept for the verification period of the delivery and subsequently will be properly blocked for up to the date of prescription of legal actions. After this period, personal data will be irreversibly deleted. It is also informed that the image of your identity document can never be captured by the delivery person.

“Newsletter and advertising mailing”

When the user has not previously made a purchase at RIDERWALKER, only advertising related to our own products and services will be sent to them when they expressly consent to this purpose. The legitimizing basis is the express consent in accordance with Art. 6.1.a) GDPR. The data will be kept until the user expresses their opposition to the processing through a simple and accessible unsubscribe procedure in each advertising communication.

People who have made purchases of products sold by RIDERWALKER may receive commercial communications based on Art. 21.2 Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce. The interested party may easily unsubscribe from the subscription through the link available in each communication.


The data will be processed to manage the participation of interested persons in the draw, as well as to communicate the prizes to the winners. The basis legitimizing the processing is Art. 6.1.b) GDPR, execution of the contractual relationship. The data will be kept until the prescription of legal actions, subsequently they will be deleted.

“Contact Form”

The data will be processed to process an information request. The legal basis for the processing is Art. 6.1.a) GDPR, the express consent of the interested party. The data will be kept only for the period necessary to process the inquiry.

“Publish an Opinion”

It is informed that it is not necessary to use personal data to publish a review on the RIDERWALKER website. The interested person can choose an alias or pseudonym for this purpose. When the review contains personal data, the data will be processed for the purpose of publishing the review on the official RIDERWALKER website. The legal basis for the processing is Art. 6.1.a) express consent. The data will be kept indefinitely as long as the review remains published. If the interested person deletes the review, the data will be automatically deleted, unless it has infringed or violated our moderation policy available in Real Reviews from Real Customers ( In this case, the data may be kept during the investigation period and/or prescription of legal actions.


The data will be processed to handle an information request made by the user. The legal basis for the processing is Art. 6.1.b) GDPR, the application at the request of the interested party of pre-contractual measures or the execution of the contractual relationship. The data will be kept only for the period necessary to process the inquiry.

Recipients of the Data

Due to the purchase, your data may be communicated to the following recipients:

  • Banking entities for payment of purchases by card and/or study of financing purchases and obtaining consumer credits. The legal basis for the communication is Art. 6.1.b) execution of the contractual relationship.
  • Entities providing services for investigation, discovery, and prevention of fraud, as well as minimizing the risk of their commission, based on the legitimate interest recognized by current regulations. The legal basis for the transfer is Art. 6.1.c) legal obligation.
  • Entities and companies in the energy sector. The legal basis for the transfer is Art. 6.1.c) legal obligation.
  • To the Consumer and User Office in case of any claim. The legal basis for the transfer is Art. 6.1.c) legal obligation.
  • To manufacturers, technical services and/or wholesalers in the case of warranties or repairs. To those shipping companies that may be responsible for delivering orders to customers. These recipients may be located within Spanish territory or outside of it, depending on the product and/or service acquired. The legal basis for the communication is Art. 6.1.c) legal obligation.
  • To transport and courier companies. The legal basis for the transfer is Art. 6.1.b) execution of the contractual relationship.
  • In cases legally established, such as the case of Security Forces and Bodies. The legal basis for the transfer is Art. 6.1.c) legal obligation.
  • To public administrations to which we must provide information upon request. The legal basis for the transfer is Art. 6.1.c) legal obligation.

Rights of the Interested Parties

The interested party can exercise the following rights:

  • They may request information about the personal data stored concerning them (access).
  • They may request the correction of inaccuracies in their personal data (rectification).
  • They may request the deletion or limitation of the processing of their personal data (erasure and restriction).
  • They may also request that their personal data be made available to them in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format (portability).
  • They have the right to object to the processing, for example, against receiving advertising (objection).

To do so, they may exercise their rights in writing by sending an email to the address: If RIDERWALKER has reasonable doubts regarding the identity of the natural person submitting the request, it may request additional information necessary to confirm the identity of the interested party.

The interested party also has the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authorities (Spanish Data Protection Agency). However, for any issues related to data, we invite you to contact us to resolve them.

Data Protection Officer

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) for any issues related to your personal data. You can contact them at the address

Data Quality

Users must ensure the truthfulness, accuracy, authenticity, and currency of the personal data collected from them.

Protection of Minors

We do not collect personal data from minors. It is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian to ensure the privacy of minors, making every effort to ensure that they have authorized the collection and use of the minor's personal data.

Social Media

Through our website, you can access the open-access social networks Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, or Youtube. These are websites where users can register and follow us for free. On these social networks, users can learn about our activities, opinions, access photos, and videos. Users of these social networks should be aware that this place is independent of the website and is open, meaning it is visible to all its users, and the privacy policies applicable to these contents are determined by each social network. RIDERWALKER is not the owner of the social networks.

Updated: August 23, 2023