Vendor Identifier

Under the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the following information is provided:


Legal name: Carlos Sánchez Rubio

Tax Identification Number (NIF): ES48622328Y

Registered address: C/ Ametller 22A, 03110, Mutxamel, Alicante, Spain.

See also our legal notice page.

General Hiring Procedure

The hiring procedure can only be carried out in the Spanish language. If it could be carried out in another language, it will be indicated before starting the hiring process.

For the purchase contract of products in our store to be valid, the information provided by the user to place the order must be accurate, complete, and up to date at all times. Failure to do so constitutes a violation of the terms, which may result in the dissolution of the contract with RIDERWALKER.

Purchase Validation

Once the purchase is made, RIDERWALKER will immediately send the user a confirmation of the order by email. If the customer does not agree with the data contained in this confirmation, they can request the modification or cancellation of the order.

In any case, communication regarding cancellation or modification must be made within seven business days from the confirmation of the order, through the email, and only if the order has not been shipped.


The prices applicable to each product are those indicated on the website on the date of the order. Prices are expressed in euros (€) and include the applicable VAT (Value Added Tax) in Spain.

However, in accordance with the provisions of Law 37/1992, of December 28, on Value Added Tax, the transaction may be exempt or not subject to said tax depending on the country of residence of the buyer and their status (entrepreneur/professional or private individual).

Therefore, in some cases, the final price of the order may be altered compared to what is stated on the website.

Price and Offer Validity

The products offered on the website, and their prices, will be available for purchase as long as they are displayed and can be viewed through the website.

We ask users to access updated versions of the website to avoid errors in prices. In any case, orders in process will maintain their conditions for 7 days from the time of formalization.

Payment Methods

The user/buyer agrees to pay for the products purchased from RIDERWALKER through the accepted payment methods and for any additional amount (including taxes).

RIDERWALKER accepts the following payment methods:

  1. Paypal.
  2. Credit and debit card, through the web payment gateway.
  3. Bank transfer.
  4. Apple Pay and Google Pay.
  5. Bizum.

Once the purchase is made, a confirmation of the transaction will be sent to the email address provided, serving as proof of the operation "Proof of transaction", along with a link to these general purchase conditions, as well as to the return policy.

The confirmation of the transaction and its proof will not be valid as an invoice, which will be sent when the order is shipped.

Delivery Conditions

All items in our store at the time of choosing their attributes indicate the availability of stock. If all items in the order are in stock and if the order has been confirmed and paid before 14:00 (Spanish time), we will do our best to ship it the same day.

If an item is out of stock, you will be informed at all times of the estimated manufacturing date, which we commit to.

If there is an incident with delivery times, it will be communicated by customer service, always providing the best solution to the customer and the option, if desired, to cancel the order.

To know the delivery times and shipping services, please consult the "Shipping" section of the website.

Cancellations, Returns, and Withdrawal

Order Cancellation

An order can only be canceled if it has not yet been shipped. To cancel an order, an email must be sent to and provide the reference number of the order to be canceled.

The refund will be made by the same payment method chosen at the time of placing the order.

Returns and Commercial Withdrawal. Right of Withdrawal

Withdrawal is the consumer's right to return a product to the merchant within a legal period, without having to give any explanation or incur a penalty.

As established by regulations, the consumer has the right to WITHDRAW from the contract for a maximum period of 14 calendar days without indicating the reason and without incurring any cost, except those provided for in articles 107.2 and 108 of RD1/2007, of November 16, which approves the aforementioned text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users.

For more information, please refer to the "returns" section of our website.

Conflict Resolution Platform

For your convenience, you can also use the dispute resolution platform provided by the European Commission, available at the following link:


Due to the nature of the products, they do not include support or assistance service to use them, RIDERWALKER is exempt from the responsibility of providing this service, although we always try to provide support for any questions to the best of our ability.

RIDERWALKER assumes no responsibility for the misuse of products purchased on our site, and specifically RIDERWALKER is exempt from all responsibility for any risk or loss, of a personal or any other nature, that may occur as a direct or indirect consequence of the misuse of any product purchased on this website. This does not apply to a defect or flaw in the product, in which case RIDERWALKER has the obligation to rectify the problem by refunding the amount or sending a new product.

RIDERWALKER assumes no responsibility regarding the purchase decision of any of the products acquired, which remains entirely at the discretion and responsibility of the customer.

This website also contains links to other websites that are not operated by RIDERWALKER (hereinafter, the "Related Sites"). Having no control over the Related Sites, RIDERWALKER does not accept any responsibility regarding them or any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them. Your use of the Related Sites will be subject to the terms and conditions of use and service contained on each of those websites.

After-Sales Service and Warranties

Due to the nature of the items we sell, we do not have an after-sales service as such, although we try to resolve all your doubts.

All products have a legal warranty of three years. In the event of a defect or flaw, it will be replaced with a new product, not covering in any case breakages due to falls, failure to follow assembly instructions, or misuse of the product.

Customer Service

In case of any issues with your orders, you can contact us in the way you prefer:

In writing by sending an email to

To make a complaint, you can send an email to indicating in the subject: COMPLAINT and the order number.

Data Protection Policy

The defense of user data is of utmost priority for RIDERWALKER, the owner of this website.

For complete information on your rights and data protection policy, please visit our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy pages.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

These General Conditions do not transfer any intellectual or industrial property rights over the RIDERWALKER website or any of its elements to the User. Users are expressly prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, publicly communicating, making available to the public, extracting, reusing, redirecting, or using any nature, by any means or procedure, of any of them, except in cases where it is legally permitted or authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights.

The user acknowledges and accepts that the entire website, including but not limited to texts, articles, images, designs, software, content (including structure, selection, arrangement, and presentation thereof), audiovisual material, and graphics, is protected by trademarks, copyrights of RIDERWALKER, and other legitimate registered rights, in accordance with international treaties of which Spain is a party and other property rights and laws of Spain.

Modification of the Terms of Use

RIDERWALKER reserves the right to modify, at any time, the presentation and configuration of the website, as well as these General Conditions.

Therefore, RIDERWALKER recommends that all users read them carefully each time they access the website. The contracting parties of any of the services offered on this website will always have access to the General Conditions in a visible, freely accessible place for any inquiries they wish to make.

If any clause of these General Conditions is declared void, the other clauses will remain in force and will be interpreted taking into account the will of the parties and the purpose of these General Conditions.

RIDERWALKER may choose not to exercise any of the rights and powers conferred in this document, which will not imply in any case the waiver of such rights, except by express recognition by RIDERWALKER or prescription of the action that corresponds in each case.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use are governed by Spanish law. These Terms of Use are subject to the provisions of Law 7/1998, of April 13, on General Conditions of Contracting, to Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, to Law 7/1996, of January 15, on Retail Trade, and to Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.

In accordance with Article 29 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, contracts concluded electronically involving a consumer will be presumed to have been concluded in the place where the consumer has their habitual residence. Therefore, in case of dispute arising from these general conditions and for conflict resolution, the parties submit to the courts and tribunals of the User's domicile.

Likewise, electronic contracts between businessmen or professionals, in the absence of an agreement between the parties, will be presumed to have been concluded in the place where the service provider is established.