You can return, cancel, exchange, or get a refund for RIDERWALKER BIKE COMPONENTS products.

Check this page for the information you need.

Our return policy is governed by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, approving the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, as well as Law 7/1996 on Retail Trade, amended by Law 47/2002 to adapt it to European Directive 97/7/EC.

Within this framework, RIDERWALKER BIKE COMPONENTS customers have a period of 14 days to exercise their right of withdrawal by making a statement indicating their desire to cancel their purchases.


To request a return, you must send an email to within 14 days of purchasing the product, indicating your order number so we can identify it.

Once the return has been requested by email to the specified address, you must prepare the package with the product in the same condition in which it was received. After receiving our confirmation, we will provide you with the address to which you must send the product for the return.

Within a maximum of 7 business days from correct receipt at our warehouse, the refund will be processed using the same payment method that was used in the original order.

The customer bears the return shipping costs, please keep this in mind.


Based on the current law cited at the beginning of this page, the following returns are NOT accepted:

1 - Items that are not suitable for resale. They must be returned in the same condition as received, with their original individual packaging and all tags, in perfect condition. Used items are not accepted.

2 - Customized items made to order: Handcrafted, made exclusively for the customer.

3 - Imported items ordered on demand.


Orders can be canceled at any time before they enter the preparation or shipping phase. If the order includes one or more items customized by ORDER, then the order cannot be canceled or returned.

RIDERWALKER reserves the right to cancel an order in case of:

1 - Errors in the order due to computer problems.

2 - Out of stock situations.


If you wish to exchange an item, the quickest way is to return the first item for a refund and place a new order for the desired item. Items must be returned within our return processing period (14 days from the time of purchase).